July In Review

I’m trying to enjoy my last few days before I head out on Sunday to Orlando, where I will, with certainty, die of heat frustration. I do not do well in warm temperatures, especially when it’s humid. I have an internal thermometer and when it gets too high, well, things get messy.

I didn’t get as much read this month as I would’ve liked. I started quite a few books (Rick Riordan’s The Red Pyramid, Garth Nix’s Sabriel, among others) that I just couldn’t get through. I’ve put them on hold for now, which is something I hate to do. I usually try to push through all books, but life is too short to read something I’m not in the mood to read, ya know?

What I Read in July:


A Gathering of Shadows – V.E. Schwab

I neeeeed the last book. I need it noooooow.

This is a phenomenal trilogy (A Gathering of Shadows being book two). I love the different Londons, the rich and fully developed characters, the magic system, the covers. Everything. I love it all. I also recommend following Schwab on Twitter because she’s funny and she reveals bits of her writing process. She also recently shared a pic of a body pillow of the MC Kell, and I neeeeed it with all my being (ok, I should stop. I’m starting to sound like a two-year-old).

The Way I Used To Be – Amber Smith

This book evokes a lot of emotion, as all rape stories will. You know why the main character does what she does, but you just want to squirt her with a water bottle and tell her to stop and, for the love of God, please just say something. Speak up. The book is well worth the anger and frustration though. It’s an important read, especially since hers is an all-too-common story. Very heartbreaking.

The Spiderwick Chronicles – Holly Black, Tony DiTerlizzi

I read all five books in the span of a few hours (Yeah, it’s MG, but shaddup, I’m a slow reader so I’m proud of myself ok?). I was surprised by how dark it got at times (sprites being drowned in vats of honey, tadpoles frozen into individual ice cubes), but that only made the story more fun. I definitely would recommend this to any young reader. I wish I would’ve read it as a kid, but still, it didn’t lose any of its magic reading it as a sort-of adult.

The Night Circus – Erin Morgenstern

I was not expecting third person present tense. I’ve read few books set in that tense. Also, there was some second person mixed in which I quite enjoyed. The Night Circus is an incredibly vivid novel that needs to be made into a movie. Not because of the plot, but because the visuals would be absolutely breathtaking to see.

Nail Your Novel: Why Writers Abandon Books and How You Can Draft, Fix and Finish with Confidence – Roz Morris

I read this book while I was doing Camp Nanowrimo and it gave me the motivation to keep going and made me ask myself questions about my story I hadn’t asked before. I got it for only .99 cents on Amazon. Money well spent.

Vicious – V.E. Schwab

Yes, another Schwab book. While I’m waiting for the next ADSOM book to come out in February (I am totally stoked for the dead of winter), I thought I’d take a look at her other books. This did not disappoint. I don’t think there’s another word to describe this story besides “vicious.” Talk about your anti-heroes.

Again, as if it has to be said, Schwab is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. READ HER!

You Are A Writer (So Start Acting Like One) – Jeff Goins

Since this isn’t (and wasn’t meant to be) a detailed book, I would recommend this to beginners or those who self-doubt themselves as writers (which I often do). This book relies heavily on the author’s experience in becoming published. It doesn’t get into the nitty gritty techniques, which is more what I’m looking for. It was only .99 cents on Amazon, so I’m not disappointed that I bought it. I’m just glad I didn’t pay more.

This Month’s Haul:


Go ahead. Say it. I have a problem.

What books did you read/buy this month?
